Preventative care that lasts a lifetime.

Our relationship with our body is at the heart of our long-term wellness. As our most important habitat, how we treat it early on can set the tone for the course of our lives. That’s why pediatric weight management is not only about the respect we cultivate for our children’s own physical bodies, but the respect they will have for their mental and emotional health for years to come.

One in three children are overweight or obese - a number that has tripled over the last 30 years. In fact, attention to this disease is so critical that the medical community has actually created a new specialty of medicine: Obesity Medicine.

Unhealthy weight results as a combination of many factors out of our control. The good news, however, is that we can make adjustments to alter the course of our health, decrease the chances of chronic disease and grow into healthy, thriving adults. Because excess weight puts us at higher risk for diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even mental health difficulties, it's critical we address this problem now to prevent future, negative impacts on our health. It is truly the most powerful form of preventative medicine.